Buzz results for the tag “Global Good”

Press Releases

QuantuMDx Group announced an assay co-development and commercialization agreement with The Global Good Fund, managed by Intellectual Ventures, to develop a rapid, low-cost and mobile diagnostic test for the detection of human papillomavirus (HPV). Read More


The Instrument Shop at IV Lab is our go-to spot for developing ideas, using everything from 3D printing to welding, water jet and laser cutting. But we also use our high-tech tools post idea-development – when we want to show the outside world an inside view of the technology we’ve created.

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Media Coverage

Intellectual Ventures has developed a laser system that can be tuned to target any flying insect, based on wing beat frequency, to fight the spread of malaria.

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As 2016 comes to a close, we’re depicting the year of ideas, inspiration and invention through nine of our favorite pictures that were taken at just the right moment in time. Because while the world of invention propels us forward quickly, it’s important to remember the milestones of progress that helped us get where we are today. Read More


It is in this space – where idealism meets ideas – that the magic of invention is brought to life. And as we look back on the 2016 inventions created around the world, and within our own walls at IV, we find inventors who pictured a better world and found a solution to make it happen. Read More
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